WndSp returns the value of wind speed at the height 2 m above the ground surface.
WndSp2m(u_z, z, speed =NULL)
u_z: Optional. A numeric scalar that denotes the measured wind speed at z m above ground surface [m/s].
z: A numeric scalar that denotes the height of measurement above ground surface [m].
speed: Optional. A character string that denotes the wind speed general class and can be assigned "str" for strong winds, "mod2str" for moderate to strong winds, "lig2mod" for light to moderate winds, and "lig" for light winds.
The function returns the value of the wind speed [m/s] as a numeric scalar.
This is a function to calculate the wind speed [m/s]. If u_z is missing, the function estimate the wind speed based on wind general or empirical classes.