ADPclustering function

(Adaptive) Density Peak Clustering algorithm using automatic parameter selection

(Adaptive) Density Peak Clustering algorithm using automatic parameter selection

The algorithm was introduced in [Rodriguez/Laio, 2014] and here implemented by [Wang/Xu, 2017]. The algorithm is adaptive in the sense that only ClusterNo has to be set instead of the paramters of [Rodriguez/Laio, 2014] implemented in ADPclustering.



  • Data: [1:n,1:d] matrix of dataset to be clustered. It consists of n cases of d-dimensional data points. Every case has d attributes, variables or features.
  • ClusterNo: Optional, either: A number k which defines k different Clusters to be build by the algorithm, or a range of ClusterNo to let the algorithm choose from.
  • PlotIt: default: FALSE, If TRUE plots the first three dimensions of the dataset with colored three-dimensional data points defined by the clustering stored in Cls
  • ...: Further arguments to be set for the clustering algorithm, if not set, default arguments are used.


The ADP algorithm decides the k number of clusters. This is contrary to the other version of the algorithm from another package which can be called with DensityPeakClustering.


List of - Cls: [1:n] numerical vector with n numbers defining the classification as the main output of the clustering algorithm. It has k unique numbers representing the arbitrary labels of the clustering.

  • Object: Object defined by clustering algorithm as the other output of this algorithm


[Rodriguez/Laio, 2014] Rodriguez, A., & Laio, A.: Clustering by fast search and find of density peaks, Science, Vol. 344(6191), pp. 1492-1496. 2014.

[Wang/Xu, 2017] Wang, X.-F., & Xu, Y.: Fast clustering using adaptive density peak detection, Statistical methods in medical research, Vol. 26(6), pp. 2800-2811. 2017.


Michael Thrun

See Also




data('Hepta') out=ADPclustering(Hepta$Data,PlotIt=FALSE)
  • Maintainer: Michael Thrun
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2023-10-19