MarkovClustering function

Markov Clustering

Markov Clustering

Graph clustering algorithm introduced by [van Dongen, 2000].

MarkovClustering(DataOrDistances=NULL,Adjacency=NULL, Radius=TRUE,DistanceMethod="euclidean",addLoops = TRUE,PlotIt=FALSE,...)


  • DataOrDistances: NULL or: Either [1:n,1:n] symmetric distance matrix or [1:n,1:d] not symmetric data matrix of n cases and d variables
  • Adjacency: Used if Data is NULL, matrix [1:n,1:n] defining which points are adjacent to each other by the number 1; not adjacent: 0
  • Radius: Scalar, Radius for unit disk graph (r-ball graph) if adjacency matrix is missing. Automatic estimation can be done either with =TRUE [Ultsch, 2005] or FALSE [Thrun et al., 2016] if Data instead of Distances are given.
  • DistanceMethod: Optional distance method of data, default is euclid, see parDist for details
  • addLoops: Logical; if TRUE, self-loops with weight 1 are added to each vertex of x (see mcl of CRAN package MCL).
  • PlotIt: Default: FALSE, If TRUE plots the first three dimensions of the dataset with colored three-dimensional data points defined by the clustering stored in Cls
  • ...: Further arguments to be set for the clustering algorithm, if not set, default arguments are used.


DataOrDistances is used to compute the Adjecency matrix if this input is missing. Then a unit-disk (R-ball) graph is calculated.


List of - Cls: [1:n] numerical vector with n numbers defining the classification as the main output of the clustering algorithm. It has k unique numbers representing the arbitrary labels of the clustering. Points which cannot be assigned to a cluster will be reported with 0.

  • Object: Object defined by clustering algorithm as the other output of this algorithm


[van Dongen, 2000] van Dongen, S.M. Graph Clustering by Flow Simulation. Ph.D. thesis, Universtiy of Utrecht. Utrecht University Repository:, 2000

[Thrun et al., 2016] Thrun, M. C., Lerch, F., Loetsch, J., & Ultsch, A. : Visualization and 3D Printing of Multivariate Data of Biomarkers, in Skala, V. (Ed.), International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), Vol. 24, Plzen, 2016.

[Ultsch, 2005] Ultsch, A.: Pareto density estimation: A density estimation for knowledge discovery, In Baier, D. & Werrnecke, K. D. (Eds.), Innovations in classification, data science, and information systems, (Vol. 27, pp. 91-100), Berlin, Germany, Springer, 2005.


Michael Thrun


data('Hepta') out=MarkovClustering(Data=Hepta$Data,PlotIt=FALSE)
  • Maintainer: Michael Thrun
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2023-10-19

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