Build a KDD.yearly.average object from a KDD object
Build a KDD.yearly.average object from a KDD object
Build a KDD.yearly.average (yearly average of a Key Day Dataset) by averaging on a yearly basis a KDD object
object: an object from the KDD class .
an object from the KDD.yearly.average class .
Soubeyrand, S., Morris, C. E. and Bigg, E. K. (2014). Analysis of fragmented time directionality in time series to elucidate feedbacks in climate data. Environmental Modelling and Software 61: 78-86.
The before.after matrix of the KDD object is averaged on a yearly basis: every group of columns corresponding to a single year is averaged into a single column.
#### load data for site 6008 (Callagiddy station)data( build a KDD object from raw data (site 6008: Callagiddy station)## using a threshold value equal to,keyday.threshold=25,nb.days=20, col.series=5,,3,4),na.rm=TRUE,filter=NULL)#### build the yearly average of KDDKDD2=kdd.yearly.average(KDD)## summary of the objectsummary(KDD2)