sim.fossils.intervals function

Simulate fossils under a non-uniform model of preservation for a given set of consecutive time intervals

Simulate fossils under a non-uniform model of preservation for a given set of consecutive time intervals

Intervals can be specified by specifying the interval boundaries using interval.ages or specifying both max.age and strata. In the second scenario all intervals will be of equal length. Preservation can be specified using rates, which represent the rates of a Poisson process in each interval, or probabilities, which represent the probabilities of sampling per interval. When using probabilities, at most one fossil per species will be sampled per interval.

Fossils can be simulated for a phylo (tree) or taxonomy (taxonomy) object. If both are specified, the function uses taxonomy. If no taxonomic information is provided, the function assumes all speciation is symmetric (i.e. bifurcating, beta = 1).

sim.fossils.intervals( tree = NULL, taxonomy = NULL, fossils = NULL, interval.ages = NULL, max.age = NULL, strata = NULL, probabilities = NULL, rates = NULL, ignore.taxonomy = FALSE, root.edge = TRUE, use.exact.times = TRUE )


  • tree: Phylo object.
  • taxonomy: Taxonomy object.
  • fossils: Append fossils to to an existing fossils object.
  • interval.ages: Vector of stratigraphic interval ages, starting with the minimum age of the youngest interval and ending with the maximum age of the oldest interval.
  • max.age: Maximum age of the oldest stratigraphic interval.
  • strata: Number of stratigraphic intervals.
  • probabilities: Probability of sampling/preservation in each interval. The number of probabilities should match the number of intervals and the first entry should correspond to youngest interval.
  • rates: Poisson sampling rate for each interval. The number of rates should match the number of intervals and the first entry should correspond to youngest interval.
  • ignore.taxonomy: Ignore species taxonomy (returns sp = NA). Default = FALSE.
  • root.edge: If TRUE include the root edge. Default = TRUE.
  • use.exact.times: If TRUE use exact sampling times. If FALSE hmin and hmax will equal the start and end times of the corresponding interval. Default = TRUE.


An object of class fossils.


# simulate tree t = ape::rtree(6) # assign a max age based on tree height max.age = tree.max(t) # simulate fossils using max.age and strata & probabilities strata = 4 probability = rep(0.7, 4) f = sim.fossils.intervals(t, max.age = max.age, strata = strata, probabilities = probability) plot(f, t, strata = strata, show.strata = TRUE) # simulate fossils using interval.ages & rates times = c(0, sort(runif(3, min = 0, max = max.age)), max.age) rates = c(5, 0, 5, 0) f = sim.fossils.intervals(t, interval.ages = times, rates = rates) plot(f, t, interval.ages = times, show.strata = TRUE) # simulate fossils using taxonomy s = sim.taxonomy(t, 0.1, 0.1, 1) f = sim.fossils.intervals(taxonomy = s, interval.ages = times, rates = rates) plot(f, t, interval.ages = times, show.strata = TRUE) # append fossils to an existing fossils object new.rates = rates * 2 f2 = sim.fossils.intervals(taxonomy = s, fossils = f, interval.ages = times, rates = new.rates)

See Also

sim.fossils.poisson, sim.fossils.environment

  • Maintainer: Joelle Barido-Sottani
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2024-10-02

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