sim.tip.samples function

Include extant and extinct tip samples in the fossil object, with optional rho sampling.

Include extant and extinct tip samples in the fossil object, with optional rho sampling.

sim.tip.samples(fossils, tree, taxonomy = NULL, rho = 1)


  • fossils: Fossils object.
  • tree: Phylo object.
  • taxonomy: Taxonomy object.
  • rho: Tip sampling probability. Can be a single value or a vector. Vector entries will be applied to extant tips in the order in which they appear in the taxonomy object.


An object of class fossils containing extant or extinct tip samples equal to the age of the tips.


# simulate tree t = ape::rtree(6) # simulate fossils f = sim.fossils.poisson(2, t) # simulate tip samples f = sim.tip.samples(f, t, rho = 0.5) plot(f, t)
  • Maintainer: Joelle Barido-Sottani
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2024-10-02

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