Fractional Factorial Designs with 2-Level Factors
Function to add center points to a 2-level fractional factorial
Alias structure for fractional factorial 2-level designs
Statistical and algorithmic aspects of blocking in FrF2
Function to show potential block assignments
Bayesian posterior probabilities from Box and Meyer method
Catalogue file and accessor functions
Clear interactions graph from catlg entry
Function to support estimability requests for compromise designs
Cube plot for three-factor-effects
Normal or Half-Normal Effects Plots
Statistical and algorithmic aspects of requesting 2-factor interaction...
Function to create a foldover for 2-level fractional factorials
Fractional Factorial designs with 2-level factors
Function to provide regular Fractional Factorial 2-level designs
Function to provide large (at least 8192 runs) regular Fractional Fact...
Functions in support of Godolphin's approach for blocking designs
Main Effects and Interaction Plots
Function for creating a class catlg catalogue from a vector of generat...
Function to generate non-regular fractional factorial screening design...
Statistical and algorithmic aspects of split-plot designs in FrF2
Functions to find split-plot or left-adjusted designs
Utility functions for short representation of block and splitplot gene...
~~ Internal utility functions and a user-visible constant for working ...
~~ Internal utility functions ~~
~~ Internal utility functions for generating regular fractional factor...
Regular and non-regular Fractional Factorial 2-level designs can be created. Furthermore, analysis tools for Fractional Factorial designs with 2-level factors are offered (main effects and interaction plots for all factors simultaneously, cube plot for looking at the simultaneous effects of three factors, full or half normal plot, alias structure in a more readable format than with the built-in function alias).