Fstability0.1.2 package

Calculate Feature Stability

Has two functions to help with calculating feature selection stability. 'Lump' is a function that groups subset vectors into a dataframe, and adds NA to shorter vectors so they all have the same length. 'ASM' is a function that takes a dataframe of subset vectors and the original vector of features as inputs, and calculates the Stability of the feature selection. The calculation for 'asm' uses the Adjusted Stability Measure proposed in: 'Lustgarten', 'Gopalakrishnan', & 'Visweswaran' (2009)<https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2815476/>.

  • Maintainer: Nicolas Ewen
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2018-12-25