Ellipsoidal.Distance function

Ellipsoidal Distance

Ellipsoidal Distance

Ellipsoidal Distance given Latitude and Longitude

Ellipsoidal.Distance(olat, olon, tlat, tlon, a = 6378137, b = 6356752.314, tol=10^(-12))


  • olat: Origin Latitude, degrees
  • olon: Origin Longitude, degrees
  • tlat: Target Latitude, degrees
  • tlon: Target Longitude, degrees
  • a: major axis, meters. If missing uses the
  • b: minor axis, meters
  • tol: Tolerance for convergence, default=10^(-12)


Uses Vincenty's formulation to calculate the distance along a great circle on an ellipsoidal body.

If a and be are not provided, they are set by default to a=6378137.0 , b=6356752.314, the WGS-84 standard.

Only one pair of (olat, olon) and (tlat, tlon) can be given at a time. The program is not vectorized.

Quoting from the wiki page this algorithm was extracted from:

"Vincenty's formulae are two related iterative methods used in geodesy to calculate the distance between two points on the surface of an spheroid, developed by Thaddeus Vincenty in 1975. They are based on the assumption that the figure of the Earth is an oblate spheroid, and hence are more accurate than methods such as great-circle distance which assume a spherical Earth.

The first (direct) method computes the location of a point which is a given distance and azimuth (direction) from another point. The second (inverse) method computes the geographical distance and azimuth between two given points. They have been widely used in geodesy because they are accurate to within 0.5 mm (.020 sec) on the Earth ellipsoid"


list - dist: distance, km

  • az: azimuth, degrees

  • revaz: reverse azimuth, degrees

  • err: =0, if convergence failed, else=1


Latitudes >90 and < -90 are not allowed. NA's are returned.

If points are identical, a distance of zero is returned and NA for the azimuths. If there is some problems with convergence or division by zero, NA's are returned and error message is printed.

A couple of known cases that do not work are, e.g.: (olat=0; olon=0; tlat=0; tlon=-180) and (olat=0; olon=0; tlat=0; tlon=180). They will return NA's to avoid division by zero.

I am not sure how to deal with these cases yet.

The reverse azimuth is the angle from the meridian on the target point to the great circle from the origin to the target (as far as I can tell). If distaz and Ellipsoidal.Distance are compared, they give the same azimuth, and the absolute angles of baz (from distaz) and revaz (from Ellipsoidal.Distance) will add to 180 degrees.



Vincenty, T. (April 1975). Direct and Inverse Solutions of Geodesics on the Ellipsoid with application of nested equations. Survey Review XXIII (misprinted as XXII) (176): 88.201393. http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/inverse.pdf. Retrieved 2009-07-11.


Jonathan M. Leesjonathan.lees@unc.edu

See Also



#### compare to spheroidal calculation distaz #### R.MAPK = 6378.2064 N =20 OUT = list(dadist=0, ed2dist=0, ed1dist=0, dif2=0, dif1=0, pct1=0) for( i in 1:N) { olat = runif(1, -90, 90) olon = runif(1, 0, 180) tlat = runif(1, -90, 90) tlon = runif(1, 0, 180) ########## older spherical calculation da = distaz(olat, olon, tlat, tlon) ##### ed1 = elliposidal earth ed1 = Ellipsoidal.Distance(olat, olon, tlat, tlon) ##### ed2 spherical earth using ############ ellipsoidal calculations, compare with distaz ed2 = Ellipsoidal.Distance(olat, olon, tlat, tlon, a=R.MAPK*1000, b=R.MAPK*1000) dif1 = da$dist-ed1$dis dif2 = da$dist-ed2$dis pct1 = 100*dif1/ed1$dist ############## OUT = format( c(da$dist, ed2$dist, ed1$dist, dif2, dif1, pct1) , digits=10) OUT$dadist[i] =da$dist OUT$ed2dist[i] =ed2$dist OUT$ed1dist[i]=ed1$dist OUT$dif2[i]= dif2 OUT$dif1[i]=dif1 OUT$pct1[i]=pct1 ###cat(paste(collapse=" ", OUT), sep="\n") } print( data.frame(OUT) ) ############### some extreme cases can cause problems ####### here compare Ellipsoidal.Distance with spherical program distaz Alat = c(90, 90, 90, 90, 45, 45, 45, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0) Alon = c(180, 180,-180, -180, 45, 45, 45, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0) Blat = c(-90, -45, 0, 45, -45, 0, 0, -80, 45, 0, 0, 0) Blon = c(180,-180, 180, 0, -45, 0, -180, 100, -60, -180, 180, 0) BOUT = list(olat=0, olon=0, tlat=0, tlon=0, dadist=0, ed2dist=0, daaz=0, ed2az=0, dabaz=0, ed2baz=0) R.MAPK = 6378.2064 for(i in 1:length(Alat)) { olat = Alat[i] olon = Alon[i] tlat = Blat[i] tlon = Blon[i] da = distaz(olat, olon, tlat, tlon) ed2 = Ellipsoidal.Distance(olat, olon, tlat, tlon, a=R.MAPK*1000, b=R.MAPK*1000) cat(paste("i=", i), sep="\n") BOUT$olon[i] =olon BOUT$olat[i] =olat BOUT$tlat[i] =tlat BOUT$tlon[i] =tlon BOUT$dadist[i] =da$dist BOUT$ed2dist[i] =ed2$dist BOUT$daaz[i]= da$az BOUT$dabaz[i]= da$baz BOUT$ed2az[i]= ed2$az BOUT$ed2baz[i]= ed2$revaz } print(data.frame(BOUT))
  • Maintainer: Jonathan M. Lees
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2024-07-09

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