PointsAlong function

Find spaced Points along a line

Find spaced Points along a line

find evenly spaced points along a line

PointsAlong(x, y, spacing = NULL, N = 1, endtol = 0.1)


  • x: x-coordinates
  • y: y-coordinates
  • spacing: spacing of points
  • N: number of points
  • endtol: indent on either ends


The total length is returned: this is the line integral along the trace.


List: - x: x-coordinates

  • y: y-coordinates

  • rot: angle at the points

  • TOT: total length along the trace


Jonathan M. Lees<jonathan.lees@unc.edu


plot(c(-5,5), c(-5,5), asp=1, type='n' ) ff=list() ff$x=c(-4.850,-4.700,-3.934,-2.528, 0.603, 2.647, 3.861, 2.626) ff$y=c(-4.045,-2.087,-0.710, 0.172, 1.291, 2.087,-0.753,-4.131) g = PointsAlong(ff$x, ff$y, N=20) lines(ff$x, ff$y) points(g$x, g$y)
  • Maintainer: Jonathan M. Lees
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2024-07-09

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