Data: Structure with x, y, z components, typical of contoured surfaces or digital images
labs: Vector of labels for Buttons used in the RPMG
pts: Points to plot on map view
nlevels: Number of levels for contours
demo: Argument used to turn off interactive part. Default is FALSE, but for package construction is set to TRUE so no interaction is required.
XSECDEMg is an example stub illustrating the use of RPMG. The idea is to set up a while() loop that uses input from the locator() function to execute or analyze data depending on user defined buttons. Actions are executed when the button clicked matches the list of names provided by the user.
This code is designed as an example of how to set up a Really Poor Man's GUI. The demo argument is supplied so that this code will run without user input, as when creating a checks for package construction.
See Also
whichbutt, rowBUTTONS
data(volcano)attr(volcano,'dx')=10attr(volcano,'dy')=10mybutts = c("DONE","REFRESH","rainbow","topo","terrain","CONT","XSEC","PS")### in the following change demo=FALSE to get interactive behaviorXSECDEMg(volcano, mybutts, demo=TRUE)