Extract a set of eathquakes in swath along a cross sectional line
eqswath(x, y, z, L, width = 1, PROJ = NULL)
: x-coordinates of earthquakesy
: y-coordinates of earthquakesz
: z-coordinates of earthquakesL
: list of x-y coordinates of cross sectionwidth
: width of swath (km)PROJ
: projection informationAll units should be the same.
r: r-distance along cross section (x-coordinate)
dh: distance from cross seection
depth: depth in cross section (y-coordinate)
flag: index vector of which earthquakes fell in swath and depth range
InvBox: coordinates of swath for plotting on map
Jonathan M. Leesjonathan.lees@unc.edu
############# create data x = runif(100, 1, 100) y = runif(100, 1, 100) z = runif(100, 1, 10) plot(x,y, asp=1) ## L = locator() L=list() L$x=c( 5.42328560757,64.62879777806) L$y=c(89.843266449785,-0.174423911329) J = eqswath(x, y, z, L, width = 10, PROJ = NULL) ########## show box: plot(x,y, asp=1) lines(J$InvBox$x, J$InvBox$y) ############ show cross section with events plotted plot(J$r, -J$depth)
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