explode function

Explode Points

Explode Points

Explode a set of points away from a center point 1.1

explode(fxy, dixplo=1, mult=1, cenx=0, ceny=0, PLOT=FALSE)


  • fxy: list of x, y coordinates
  • dixplo: distance to explode
  • mult: multiplier for the distance
  • cenx: x coordinate center of explosion
  • ceny: y coordinate center of explosion
  • PLOT: logical, TRUE=make a plot of the resulting explosion


If cenx and ceny is missing it is assumed to be the mean of the coordinates. Program calculates the new locations radiating away from the central point. No protection against overlapping symbols is included.


list of new x,y values - x: new x coordinates

  • y: new y coordinates


Jonathan M. Leesjonathan.lees@unc.edu

See Also

ExplodeSymbols, NoOverlap


############ random data x = rnorm(20) y = rnorm(20) NEW = explode(list(x=x,y=y), dixplo =1) plot(range(c(x,NEW$x)), range(c(y,NEW$y)), asp=1, type='n') segments(x,y,NEW$x, NEW$y) points(x,y, pch=3, col='red') points(NEW$x, NEW$y, pch=6, col='blue', cex=2) ### try a larger radius: NEW2 = explode(list(x=x,y=y), dixplo =1.3) points(NEW2$x, NEW2$y, pch=7, col='brown', cex=2, xpd=TRUE) arrows(NEW$x, NEW$y,NEW2$x, NEW2$y, col='green' ) ##### try with a different center cenx=-1; ceny=-1 NEW = explode(list(x=x,y=y), dixplo =1, cenx=cenx, ceny=ceny) plot(range(c(x,NEW$x)), range(c(y,NEW$y)), asp=1, type='n') points(x,y, pch=3, col='red') segments(x,y,NEW$x, NEW$y) points(NEW$x, NEW$y, pch=6, col='blue', cex=2) points(cenx, ceny, pch=8, col='purple') text(cenx, ceny, labels="Center Point", pos=1)
  • Maintainer: Jonathan M. Lees
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2024-07-09

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