Test set of points for inside/outside polygon
takes a set of points and tests with function inside()
inpoly(x, y, POK)
: x coordinatesy
: y coordinatesPOK
: polygon structure list x,yReturns vector of 0,1 for points inside polygon
Jonathan M. Lees jonathan.lees@unc.edu
Lintersect, ccw, inside
H=list() H$x=c(-0.554,-0.258,0.062,0.538,0.701,0.332, 0.34,0.26,-0.189,0.081,0.519,0.644,0.264, -0.086,-0.216,-0.246,-0.356,-1.022,-0.832, -0.372,-0.463,-0.604) H$y=c(0.047,-0.4,-0.818,-0.822,-0.314,-0.25, -0.491,-0.589,-0.396,-0.138,0.082,0.262,0.542, 0.361,0.03,0.555,0.869,0.912,0.641,0.327,0.142,0.129) plot(c(-1,1), c(-1,1), type='n') polygon(H, col=NULL, border=grey(.8)) x = runif(20, -1,1) y = runif(20, -1,1) points(list(x=x, y=y) ) inp = inpoly(x, y, H) text(x[inp==0],y[inp==0], labels="out", pos=1, col='red') text(x[inp==1],y[inp==1], labels="in", pos=1, col='blue')
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