Normal Fault trace
Plot normal fault on map.
normalfault(x, y, h = 1, hoff = 1, rot = list(cs = 1, sn = 0), col = "black")
: x-coordinatesy
: y-coordinatesh
: radius of ballhoff
: distance from linerot
: rotation vectors, (cosines and sines)col
: colorRotation vector is provided as list(cs=vector(), sn=vector()).
Graphical Side Effects
Jonathan M.
G=list() G$x=c(-1.0960,-0.9942,-0.8909,-0.7846,-0.6738,-0.5570,-0.4657,-0.3709, -0.2734,-0.1740,-0.0734, 0.0246, 0.1218, 0.2169, 0.3086, 0.3956, 0.4641, 0.5293, 0.5919, 0.6530, 0.7131) G$y=c(-0.72392,-0.62145,-0.52135,-0.42599,-0.33774,-0.25896,-0.20759, -0.16160,-0.11981,-0.08105,-0.04414,-0.00885, 0.02774, 0.06759, 0.11262, 0.16480, 0.21487, 0.27001, 0.32895, 0.39044, 0.45319) plot(G$x, G$y, type='n',asp=1, axes=FALSE, xlab='', ylab='') g = PointsAlong(G$x, G$y, N=3) sk = 2 lines(G$x,G$y,col='blue') bcars(g$x,g$y, h1=sk, h2=sk*.5, g$rot, col='black', border='black' )
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