SEL: Index vector of strokes to be used in plotting, default=NULL(use all that pass other tests)
GRID: logical, TRUE=add grid lines
GRIDcol: color for grid lines
MAPcol: override color for maps
MAPstyle: override plotting style for maps
border: color, add border to polygons, NA=no border
cenlon: center longitude of plot
shiftlon: degrees, rotate longitude
linelty: Line type
linelwd: line width
ptpch: plotting character for strokes (style=1) that are plotted as points
ptcex: character expansion factor for style=1 strokes
NUMB: logical, number the strokes on the map
...: graphical parameters
plotGEOmapXY includes projection of the data, plotGEOmap does not. MAPcol and MAPstyle can be used to override the colors and style in the map-list. These are applied to all the strokes.
For strokes that are of style=1 points are plotted with graphical parameters ptpch="." and ptcex=1 unless otherwise indicated.