Plot Edicenters
Plot hypocenter color coded to depth and size scaled by magnitude.
plothypos(lat, lon, z, proj, mag = NULL, cex = 0.4, pch =21, PMAT = NULL, alpha = NULL)
: Latitudelon
: Longitudez
: km Depth, (positive down)proj
: Projection structuremag
: Magnitudecex
: character expansionpch
: plotting character, default=21PMAT
: transformation matrixalpha
: transparency factorAdds hypocenters to an existing plot.
Graphical Side effects.
Jonathan M.
The events are color coded according to depth.
Only a few devices can handle transparency effects.
plotGEOmapXY, XSECEQ, eqswath, getmagsize
library(geomapdata) data('EHB.LLZ') data('japmap', package='geomapdata') RLAT = range(japmap$POINTS$lat) RLON = range(japmap$POINTS$lon) JLAT = expandbound(RLAT, .1) JLON = expandbound(RLON, .1) PROJ = japmap$PROJ ############## select the events in the region isel1 = which( japmap$STROKES$code != "i" & japmap$STROKES$num>120 ) sel = which( EHB.LLZ$lat > JLAT[1] & EHB.LLZ$lat < JLAT[2] & EHB.LLZ$lon > JLON[1] & EHB.LLZ$lon < JLON[2]) sel = sel[1:200] plotGEOmapXY(japmap , PROJ=PROJ, SEL=isel1, add=FALSE, MAPcol="black") plothypos(EHB.LLZ$lat[sel], EHB.LLZ$lon[sel], EHB.LLZ$z[sel], PROJ, mag=NULL, cex=.8) ## Not run: fn = "/home/lees/WORK/SENDAI.EVENT/catsearch.8757" g = getANSS(fn, skip=2) g$jd = getjul(g$yr, g$mo, g$dom) sel = which( g$lat > JLAT[1] & g$lat < JLAT[2] & g$lon > JLON[1] & g$lon < JLON[2]) olat = g$lat[sel] olon = g$lon[sel] ordz = g$z[sel] mag = g$mag[sel] gm = getmagsize(mag) plotGEOmapXY(japmap , PROJ=PROJ, add=FALSE, MAPcol="black") plothypos(g$lat[sel], g$lon[sel], g$z[sel], PROJ, mag=NULL, cex=gm) plotGEOmapXY(japmap , PROJ=PROJ, add=FALSE, MAPcol="black") plothypos(olat, olon, ordz, PROJ, mag=NULL, cex=gm) plotGEOmapXY(japmap , PROJ=PROJ, add=FALSE, MAPcol="black") plothypos(olat, olon, ordz, PROJ, mag=mag, cex=1 ) ################## transparent plot pdfname = local.file('TOHOKU', "pdf") cairo_pdf(file = pdfname , width = 8, height = 10) plotGEOmapXY(japmap , PROJ=PROJ, add=FALSE, MAPcol="black") plothypos(olat, olon, ordz, PROJ, mag=mag, cex=1, alpha=.3 ) ################## ## End(Not run)
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