rotateGEOmap function

Rotate a GEOmap

Rotate a GEOmap

Rotate a GEOmap to a new location on the globe 1.1

rotateGEOmap(INmap, TARGlat, TARGlon, LAT0, LON0, beta = 0)


  • INmap: Input GEOmap
  • TARGlat: Target center latitide
  • TARGlon: Target center longitide
  • LAT0: Source center latitide
  • LON0: Source center longitide
  • beta: rotation through axis coming out of screen


This function is used to translate a given map region to another for over plotting. You can compare the areas of two region using the same projection.


GEOmap list.


Jonathan M.

See Also



library(maps) zz = map('state', region = c('new york', 'new jersey', 'penn')) neweng = maps2GEOmap(zz) plotGEOmap(neweng) ## L1 = locator(1) L1=list() L1$x=c(283.671347071854) L1$y=c(42.008587074537) LIMS1 = list( lon=range(neweng$POINTS$lon), lat=range(neweng$POINTS$lat) ) LIMS = c(LIMS1$lon[1], LIMS1$lat[1], LIMS1$lon[2], LIMS1$lat[2]) ########## prepare maps 2: z2 = map('world', region = c('iceland')) ice = maps2GEOmap(z2) plotGEOmap(ice) ## L2 = locator(1) L2=list() L2$x=c(341.146812632372) L2$y=c(64.9180246121089) ############ this version here is nicer, but required WORLMAP2 ###kice = grep('ice' , coast2$STROKES$nam, =TRUE) ### ice = GEOmap.Extract(coast2, kice ,"in") MAP = rotateGEOmap(ice, L1$y , L1$x , L2$y , L2$x, beta=-90 ) proj = setPROJ( 2, LAT0=L1$y, LON0=L1$x ) plotGEOmapXY(neweng, LIM=LIMS, PROJ =proj, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="" ) plotGEOmapXY(MAP, LIM=LIMS, PROJ =proj, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", add = TRUE, MAPcol = grey(.85) , lwd=2, xpd=TRUE) plotGEOmapXY(neweng, LIM=LIMS, PROJ =proj, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", add=TRUE )
  • Maintainer: Jonathan M. Lees
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2024-07-09

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