Generalised Joint Regression Modelling
Adjustment for the covariance matrix from a fitted gjrm model
Adjustment for the covariance matrix from a gjrm model fitted to compl...
Average Treatment Effect of a binary or continuous treatment variable
Internal Function
Internal Function
Internal Function
Internal Function
Internal Function
Internal Function
Internal Function
Internal Function
Internal Function
Internal Function
Internal Function
Internal Function
Conditional Mean/Variance from a Copula Model
Some convergence diagnostics
Internal Function
Copula probabilities (joint and conditional) from a fitted simultaneou...
Internal fitting function
Internal fitting function
Cross validation for informative censoring univariate survival models
Internal Function
Differentiable penalties
Internal Function
Internal Function
Generalised Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape and Beyond
Fitted gamlssObject object
ggmtrust for penalised network
Generalised Joint Regression Modelling
Generalised Joint Regression Models with Binary/Continuous/Discrete/Su...
Fitted gjrm object
Gradient test
Internal Function
Post-estimation calculation of hazard, cumulative hazard and survival ...
Kendall's tau a fitted joint model
Internal Function
Lagrange Multiplier Test (Score Test)
Linear Model Fitting with Constraints
Extract the log likelihood for a fitted copula model
Marginal Mean/Variance
Nonparametric (worst-case and IV) Manski's bounds
Internal Function
Causal odds ratio of a binary/continuous treatment variable
Partial effect from a binary bivariate model
Internal Function
Plotting function
Geographic map with regions defined as polygons
Set up geographic polygons
Function to predict quantiles from GP and DGP distributions
Prediction function
Prediction function
Estimated overall prevalence from a sample selection model
Print an ATE object
Print a object
Print a copulaSampleSel object
Print a gamlss object
Print a gjrm object
Print a object
Print an mb object
Print an OR object
Print an PE object
Print an prev object
Print an RR object
Print an SATE object
Print a SemiParBIV object
Print a SemiParROY object
Print a SemiParTRIV object
Internal Function
Internal Function
Diagnostic plots for discrete/continuous response margins
Diagnostic plot for a variable
Multivariate Normal Variates
Bootstrap procedure to help select the robust constant in a GAMLSS
Tool for tuning bounds of integral in robust models
Causal risk ratio of a binary/continuous treatment variable
Internal Function
Survival Average Treatment Effects of a binary treatment variable
Internal Function
Internal Function
Internal fitting function
Internal fitting function
Internal fitting function
copulaSampleSel summary
gamlss summary
gjrm summary
SemiParBIV summary
SemiParROY summary
SemiParTRIV summary
Internal Function
Internal Function
Vuong and Clarke tests
Internal Function
Routines for fitting various joint (and univariate) regression models, with several types of covariate effects, in the presence of equations' errors association, endogeneity, non-random sample selection or partial observability.