Structural Exploration of the Gene Ontology (GO) Knowledge Base
Provides ranking of GO-terms according to a score
GO cellular component (CC) level leaf nodes getter
GO molecular function (MF) level leaf nodes getter
Building tree
Degree distribution of the GO biological process (BP) terms on a GO-le...
Degree distribution of the GO cellular component (CC) terms on a GO le...
Degree distribution of the GO molecular function (MF) terms on a GO-le...
Provides ranking of GO-terms according to distance
Visualize GO DAG
Visualize GO DAG
Get the Gene Ontology (GO) terms associated with a gene(s) and their l...
Get the Gene Ontology (GO) terms associated with a gene(s) and their l...
Organism-specific GO-DAG edgelist
GO-term category getter
All the BP GO-DAG leaf nodes
All the CC GO-DAG leaf nodes
All the MF GO-DAG leaf nodes
Retrieve GO terms in each category
GO biological process (BP) descendant GO-terms as an Edgelist
GO cellular component (CC) descendant GO-terms as an Edgelist
GO molecular function (MF) descendant GO-terms as an Edgelist
All gene association GO-terms for an organism
Get the level of a biological process (BP) GO term's children
GO biological process (BP) terms level getter
Get the level of a cellular component (CC) GO term's children
GO cellular component (CC) terms level getter
Get the level of a molecular function (MF) GO term's children
GO molecular function (MF) term level getter
Building tree one
GO biological process (BP) terms on a level
GO cellular component (CC) terms on a level
GO molecular function (MF) terms on a level
Jump nodes from a GO BP level
Jump nodes from a GO CC level
Jump nodes from a GO MF level
GO biological process (BP) level leaf nodes getter
Non-leaf GO-terms on a GO BP level
Non-leaf GO-terms on a GO CC level
Non-leaf GO-terms on a GO MF level
Regular nodes from a GO BP level
Regular nodes from a GO CC level
Regular nodes from a GO MF level
Return length of depth for bp
Return length of depth for cc
Return length of depth for mf
prioritization of a lists of GO-terms
Species-specific biological process GO-DAG
Species-specific cellular component GO-DAG
Species-specific molecular function GO-DAG
Visualise the GO-DAG for a specific organism based on certain GO-terms
Visualise the GO-DAG for a specific organism based on certain GO-terms
Visualise the GO-DAG for a specific organism based on certain GO-terms
It provides an effective, efficient, and fast way to explore the Gene Ontology (GO). Given a set of genes, the package contains functions to assess the GO and obtain the terms associated with the genes and the levels of the GO terms. The package provides functions for the three different GO ontology. We discussed the methods explicitly in the following article <doi:10.1038/s41598-020-73326-3>.