Calculating Geographic Range from Occurrence Data
Calculates degree x degree cell counts of a specified size
Performs Convex Hull area calculation
Performs convex hull area calculation from coordinate sets on the Eart...
Removes duplicate geographic locations and binds coordinates into a si...
Creates an occurrence matrix of taxa by coordinates from the Paleobiol...
Converts degrees to radians
Create a rectangular shaped distribution with equal area to a given ar...
Calculates the maximum pairwise great circle distance from a set of de...
Calculates the geodesic distance between two points specified by latit...
Calculates the geodesic distance between two points specified by latit...
Function to calculate the correlation coefficient for pairwise compari...
Function to calculate the skewness and coefficient of variance for a s...
Function to tabulate number of occurrences/locations, six geographic r...
Calculates six geographic range measures at resampled a number of time...
Calculates six geographic range measures at specified sample sizes for...
Prints Hello, world!
Function to calcuate the area of a given horseshoe shape
Calculates the latitudinal range in degrees and kilometers
Calculates the longitudinal range in degrees and kilometers, assuming ...
Calculates the minimum spanning tree distance, in kilometers, using Pr...
Calculates the minimum spanning tree distance, in kilometers, using Pr...
Function to compile the PBDB_PEE_SingleTaxon output for a list of taxa
Function to calculate PEE [1] matrices for all the geographic range me...
Plots the measured value versus rarefied samples or percent error of e...
Plots the minimum convex hull of a set of coordinates
Plots the minimum spanning tree of a set of coordinates
Function to find points along a horseshoe shape
Creates a sparse pairwise distance matrix of a coordinate set
Function to randomly generate points within a horseshoe-shape
Function to randomly generate points within a given rectangular shaped...
Calculates and analyzes six measures of geographic range from a set of longitudinal and latitudinal occurrence data. Measures included are minimum convex hull area, minimum spanning tree distance, longitudinal range, latitudinal range, maximum pairwise great circle distance, and number of X by X degree cells occupied.