Homogenous Segmentation for Spatial Lines Data
Cummulative difference approach (CDA) for homogeneous segmentation of ...
Find spaital breaking locations and add a column of breaks.
Homogeneous segmentation function with continuous variables.
Homogeneous segmentation function with both categorical and continous ...
Minimization coefficient of variation (MCV) for homogeneous segmentati...
Preprocessing for field monitoring data.
Segmentation with categorical variables.
Segments comparison of different homogeneous segmentations methods.
Visualization of homogeneous segments.
Smoothing data using the moving average method for the homogeneous seg...
Statistical summary of homogeneous segments.
Spatial heterogeneity-based segmentation (SHS) for homogeneous segment...
Split long segments to segments within length threshold.
Methods of homogenous segmentation for spatial lines data, such as pavement performance indicators and traffic volumes. Three methods are available for homogenous segmentation, including cumulative difference approach, minimization coefficient of variation, and spatial heterogeneity based method.