Save function

Faciliate Use of save and load to Remote Directories

Faciliate Use of save and load to Remote Directories

These functions are slightly enhanced versions of save and load that allow a target directory to be specified using options(LoadPath="pathname"). If the LoadPath option is not set, the current working directory is used.

# options(LoadPath='mypath') Save(object, name=deparse(substitute(object)), compress=TRUE) Load(object)


  • object: the name of an object, usually a data frame. It must not be quoted.

  • name: an optional name to assign to the object and file name prefix, if the argument name is not used

  • compress: see save. Default is TRUE

    which corresponds to gzip.


Save creates a temporary version of the object under the name given by the user, so that save will internalize this name. Then subsequent Load or load will cause an object of the original name to be created in the global environment. The name of the data file is assumed to be the name of the object (or the value of name) appended with ".rda".


Frank Harrell

See Also

save, load


## Not run: d <- data.frame(x=1:3, y=11:13) options(LoadPath='../data/rda') Save(d) # creates ../data/rda/d.rda Load(d) # reads ../data/rda/d.rda Save(d, 'D') # creates object D and saves it in .../D.rda ## End(Not run)