discrete function

Discrete Vector tools

Discrete Vector tools

discrete creates a discrete vector which is distinct from a continuous vector, or a factor/ordered vector. The other function are tools for manipulating descrete vectors.

as.discrete(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: as.discrete(x, ...) discrete(x, levels = sort(unique.default(x), na.last = TRUE), exclude = NA) ## S3 replacement method for class 'discrete' x[...] <- value ## S3 method for class 'discrete' x[..., drop = FALSE] ## S3 method for class 'discrete' x[[i]] is.discrete(x) ## S3 replacement method for class 'discrete' is.na(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'discrete' length(x) <- value


  • x: a vector
  • drop: Should unused levels be dropped.
  • exclude: logical: should NA be excluded.
  • i: indexing vector
  • levels: charater: list of individual level values
  • value: index of elements to set to NA
  • ...: arguments to be passed to other functions


as.discrete converts a vector into a discrete vector.

discrete creates a discrete vector from provided values.

is.discrete tests to see if the vector is a discrete vector.


as.discrete, discrete returns a vector of discrete type.

is.discrete returan logical TRUE if the vector is of class discrete other wise it returns FALSE.


Charles Dupont

See Also

[[, [, factor


a <- discrete(1:25) a is.discrete(a) b <- as.discrete(2:4) b