event.convert function

Event Conversion for Time-to-Event Data

Event Conversion for Time-to-Event Data

Convert a two-column data matrix with event time and event code into multiple column event time with one event in each column

event.convert(data2, event.time = 1, event.code = 2)


  • data2: a matrix or dataframe with at least 2 columns; by default, the first column contains the event time and the second column contains the k event codes (e.g. 1=dead, 0=censord)
  • event.time: the column number in data contains the event time
  • event.code: the column number in data contains the event code


In the survival analysis, the data typically come in two columns: one column containing survival time and the other containing censoring indicator or event code. The event.convert function converts this type of data into multiple columns of event times, one column of each event type, suitable for the event.chart function.


J. Jack Lee and Kenneth R. Hess

Department of Biostatistics

University of Texas

M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Houston, TX 77030

jjlee@mdanderson.org , khess@mdanderson.org

Joel A. Dubin

Department of Statistics

University of Waterloo


See Also

event.history, Date, event.chart


# To convert coded time-to-event data, then, draw an event chart: surv.time <- c(5,6,3,1,2) cens.ind <- c(1,0,1,1,0) surv.data <- cbind(surv.time,cens.ind) event.data <- event.convert(surv.data) event.chart(cbind(rep(0,5),event.data),x.julian=TRUE,x.reference=1)