## S3 method for class 'princmp'plot( x, which = c("scree","loadings"), k = x$k, offset =0.8, col =1, adj =0, ylim =NULL, add =FALSE, abbrev =25, nrow =NULL,...)
x: results of princmp
which: 'scree' or 'loadings'
k: number of components to show, default is k specified to princmp
offset: controls positioning of text labels for cumulative fraction of variance explained
col: color of plotted text in scree plot
adj: angle for plotting text in scree plot
ylim: y-axis scree plotting limits, a 2-vector
add: set to TRUE to add a line to an existing scree plot without drawing axes
abbrev: an integer specifying the variable name length above which names are passed through [abbreviate(..., minlength=abbrev)]
nrow: number of rows to use in plotting loadings. Defaults to the ggplot2facet_wrap default.
...: unused
ggplot2 object if which='loadings'
Uses base graphics to by default plot the scree plot from a [princmp()] result, showing cumultive proportion of variance explained. Alternatively the standardized PC loadings are shown in a ggplot2 bar chart.