Functions get or set useful information about the contents of the object for later use.
valueTags(x)valueTags(x)<- value
valueLabel(x)valueLabel(x)<- value
valueName(x)valueName(x)<- value
valueUnit(x)valueUnit(x)<- value
x: an object
value: for valueTags<- a named list of value tags. a character vector of length 1, or NULL.
valueTag returns NULL or a named list with each of the named values name, label, unit set if they exists in the object.
For valueTag<- returns list
For valueName, valueLable, and valueUnit returns NULL or character vector of length 1.
For valueName<-, valueLabel<-, and valueUnit returns value
These functions store the a short name of for the contents, a longer label that is useful for display, and the units of the contents that is useful for display.
valueTag is an accessor, and valueTag<- is a replacement function for all of the value's information.
valueName is an accessor, and valueName<- is a replacement function for the value's name. This name is used when a plot or a latex table needs a short name and the variable name is not useful.
valueLabel is an accessor, and valueLabel<- is a replacement function for the value's label. The label is used in a plots or latex tables when they need a descriptive name.
valueUnit is an accessor, and valueUnit<- is a replacement function for the value's unit. The unit is used to add unit information to the R output.
See Also
names, attributes
age <- c(21,65,43)y <-1:3valueLabel(age)<-"Age in Years"plot(age, y, xlab=valueLabel(age))x1 <-1:10x2 <-10:1valueLabel(x2)<-'Label for x2'valueUnit(x2)<-'mmHg'x2
x2[1:5]dframe <- data.frame(x1, x2)Label(dframe)##In these examples of llist, note that labels are printed after##variable names, because of print.labelleda <-1:3b <-4:6valueLabel(b)<-'B Label'