valueTags function

Store Descriptive Information About an Object

Store Descriptive Information About an Object

Functions get or set useful information about the contents of the object for later use.

valueTags(x) valueTags(x) <- value valueLabel(x) valueLabel(x) <- value valueName(x) valueName(x) <- value valueUnit(x) valueUnit(x) <- value


  • x: an object
  • value: for valueTags<- a named list of value tags. a character vector of length 1, or NULL.


valueTag returns NULL or a named list with each of the named values name, label, unit set if they exists in the object.

For valueTag<- returns list

For valueName, valueLable, and valueUnit returns NULL or character vector of length 1.

For valueName<-, valueLabel<-, and valueUnit returns value


These functions store the a short name of for the contents, a longer label that is useful for display, and the units of the contents that is useful for display.

valueTag is an accessor, and valueTag<- is a replacement function for all of the value's information.

valueName is an accessor, and valueName<- is a replacement function for the value's name. This name is used when a plot or a latex table needs a short name and the variable name is not useful.

valueLabel is an accessor, and valueLabel<- is a replacement function for the value's label. The label is used in a plots or latex tables when they need a descriptive name.

valueUnit is an accessor, and valueUnit<- is a replacement function for the value's unit. The unit is used to add unit information to the R output.

See Also

names, attributes


age <- c(21,65,43) y <- 1:3 valueLabel(age) <- "Age in Years" plot(age, y, xlab=valueLabel(age)) x1 <- 1:10 x2 <- 10:1 valueLabel(x2) <- 'Label for x2' valueUnit(x2) <- 'mmHg' x2 x2[1:5] dframe <- data.frame(x1, x2) Label(dframe) ##In these examples of llist, note that labels are printed after ##variable names, because of print.labelled a <- 1:3 b <- 4:6 valueLabel(b) <- 'B Label'


Charles Dupont

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