Data Smoothing by Interpolating Cubic Splines
Construct the explicit form of non-uniform clamped interpolating cubic...
Smooth given data set by k-component non-uniform clamped interpolating...
Construct the explicit form of uniform clamped interpolating cubic spl...
Smooth given data set by k-component uniform clamped interpolating spl...
The function computes the coefficients of the cubic polynomials as spl...
Forecasting demo using cics_unif_explicit_smooth.
Construct 4 Hermite basis functions.
Construct inverse of a general tridiagonal matrix.
Construct inverse of a tridiagonal matrix T_n(a,b,a).
We construct the explicit form of clamped cubic interpolating spline (both uniform - knots are equidistant and non-uniform - knots are arbitrary). Using this form, we propose a linear regression model suitable for real data smoothing.