Model Selection and Post-Hoc Analysis for (G)LMER Models
Back-fits an LMER model on p-values from ANOVA, llrt, AIC, BIC, relLik...
Back-fits an LMER model on absolute t-value and, optionally, on LLRT.
Change directory.
Change directory; list files and directories in new directory using fu...
Change directory one level up.
List the column names of a data frame in matrix format.
List files and directories in current directory.
Forward-fit the random effect structure of an LMER model.
Back-fit fixed effects and forward-fit random effects of an LMER model...
Model Selection and Post-Hoc Analysis for (G)LMER Models
Model criticism plots.
Posthoc analyses for LMER models using parallel capabilities.
ANOVA with upper- and lower-bound p-values and R-sqaured values fo...
Per-subject Trimming of Response Variable.
Kernel density estimation for two continuous variables.
plot a mer object
Dynamic 3d plot for mer
Visualize raw surface averages (3d)
Relative log-likehood.
Exclude outliers.
Summarize a "mcposthoc" object.
The main function of the package is to perform backward selection of fixed effects, forward fitting of the random effects, and post-hoc analysis using parallel capabilities. Other functionality includes the computation of ANOVAs with upper- or lower-bound p-values and R-squared values for each model term, model criticism plots, data trimming on model residuals, and data visualization. The data to run examples is contained in package LCF_data.