Missing Morphometric Data Simulation and Estimation
Procrustes superimposition of landmark datasets with some missing valu...
Estimate missing morphometric data with a highly correlated variable
Align a bilterally symmetric landmark configuration with a plane
Simulate missing morphometric data with taxonomic bias
Remove incomplete specimens from a landmark dataset
A-priori size regression for missing data estimation
Reflected Relabelling
Calculate the percentage of missing morphometric data
Missing morphometric data simulation and estimation
Randomly input missing data points
Simulate incomplete specimens
Estimate missing landmark data
Simulate missing morphometric data with anatomical bias
Simulate missing geometric morphometric landmarks with anatomical bias
Correct for lateral bending in fish geometric morphometric landmarks
TPS-style unbend specimens
Functions for simulating missing morphometric data randomly, with taxonomic bias and with anatomical bias. LOST also includes functions for estimating linear and geometric morphometric data.