Applied Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) Functions
Asymmetric Similarity functions
Random Target Selection
Coherence of a text
Two-Word Composition
Similarity in Context
Compute cosine similarity
Sentence Comparison
Compute distance
Summarize a text
Computations based on Latent Semantic Analysis
Vector x Vector Comparison
Sentence x Vector Comparison
Comparison of sentence sets
Answers Multiple Choice Questions
Find nearest neighbors
Normalize a vector
Pairwise cosine computation
Compute word (or compound) plausibility
2D- or 3D-Plot of a list of sentences/documents
2D- or 3D-Plot of neighbors
2D- or 3D-Plot of a list of words
Compute Vector for Predicate-Argument-Expressions
Semantic neighborhood density
Provides functions that allow for convenient working with vector space models of semantics/distributional semantic models/word embeddings. Originally built for LSA models (hence the name), but can be used for all such vector-based models. For actually building a vector semantic space, use the package 'lsa' or other specialized software. Downloadable semantic spaces can be found at <>.