Complete Environment for Bayesian Inference
The Bayesian Bootstrap
Bayes' Theorem
Big Data
BMK Convergence Diagnostic
Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap
Acceptance Rate
Proposal Covariance
Initial Values
Parameter Names
As Posterior Predictive Check
Bayes Factor
Caterpillar Plot
Centering and Scaling
Combine Demonoid Objects
Conditional Plots
Consort with Laplace's Demon
Cumulative Sample Function
Demon Choice Data Set
Demon FX Data Set
Demon Sessions Data Set
Demon Snacks Data Set
Demon Space-Time Data Set
de Finetti's Game
Asymmetric Laplace Distribution: Univariate
Asymmetric Log-Laplace Distribution
Asymmetric Multivariate Laplace Distribution
Bernoulli Distribution
Categorical Distribution
Continuous Relaxation of a Markov Random Field Distribution
Dirichlet Distribution
Generalized Pareto Distribution
Generalized Poisson Distribution
Half-Cauchy Distribution
Half-Normal Distribution
Half-t Distribution
Horseshoe Distribution
Huang-Wand Distribution
Inverse Beta Distribution
(Scaled) Inverse Chi-Squared Distribution
Inverse Gamma Distribution
Inverse Gaussian Distribution
Inverse Matrix Gamma Distribution
Inverse Wishart Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization
Inverse Wishart Distribution
Mixture of Laplace Distributions
Laplace Distribution: Precision Parameterization
Laplace Distribution: Univariate Symmetric
LASSO Distribution
Log-Laplace Distribution: Univariate Symmetric
Log-Normal Distribution: Precision Parameterization
Matrix Gamma Distribution
Matrix Normal Distribution
Multivariate Cauchy Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization
Multivariate Cauchy Distribution: Precision-Cholesky Parameterization
Multivariate Cauchy Distribution: Precision Parameterization
Multivariate Cauchy Distribution
Multivariate Laplace Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization
Multivariate Laplace Distribution
Multivariate Normal Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization
Multivariate Normal Distribution: Precision-Cholesky Parameterization
Multivariate Normal Distribution: Precision Parameterization
Multivariate Normal Distribution
Multivariate Polya Distribution
Multivariate Power Exponential Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization
Multivariate Power Exponential Distribution
Multivariate t Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization
Multivariate t Distribution: Precision-Cholesky Parameterization
Multivariate t Distribution: Precision Parameterization
Multivariate t Distribution
Normal-Inverse-Wishart Distribution
Normal-Laplace Distribution: Univariate Asymmetric
Mixture of Normal Distributions
Normal Distribution: Precision Parameterization
Normal Distribution: Variance Parameterization
Normal-Wishart Distribution
Pareto Distribution
Power Exponential Distribution: Univariate Symmetric
Scaled Inverse Wishart Distribution
Skew Discrete Laplace Distribution: Univariate
Skew-Laplace Distribution: Univariate
Truncated Stick-Breaking Prior Distribution
Student t Distribution: Precision Parameterization
Student t Distribution: Univariate
Truncated Distributions
Wishart Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization
Wishart Distribution
Yang-Berger Distribution
Hyperprior-g Prior and Zellner's g-Prior
Prior Elicitation
Effective Sample Size due to Autocorrelation
Gelfand's Convergence Diagnostic
Gelman and Rubin's MCMC Convergence Diagnostic
Geweke's Convergence Diagnostic
Generate Initial Values
Hangartner's Convergence Diagnostic
Heidelberger and Welch's MCMC Convergence Diagnostic
Server Listening
Integrated Autocorrelation Time
Variable Importance
Constrain to Interval
Logical Check of a Bayesian Model
Logical Check of Classes
Logical Check of a Constant
Logical Check of Constraints
Logical Check of Data
Logical Check of a Model
Logical Check of Propriety
Logical Check of Stationarity
Iterative Quadrature
Joint Density Plot
Joint Probability Region Plot
Juxtapose MCMC Algorithm Inefficiency
Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD)
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Convergence Diagnostic
Laplace Approximation
LaplacesDemon RAM Estimate
Laplace's Demon
Levene's Test
Logarithm of the Marginal Likelihood
The log-log and complementary log-log functions
The logit and inverse-logit functions
Loss Matrix
Lowest Posterior Loss Interval
Math Utility Functions
Matrix Utility Functions
Monte Carlo Standard Error
Minnesota Prior
Multiple Imputation Sequential Sampling
The Mode(s) of a Vector
Model Specification Time
Probability Interval
Plot Hellinger Distances
Plots of Posterior Predictive Checks
Plot samples from the output of Laplace's Demon
Plot Variable Importance
Plots of Posterior Predictive Checks
Plot the output of IterativeQuadrature
Plot MCMC Juxtaposition
Plots of Posterior Predictive Checks
Plot the output of LaplaceApproximation
Plot samples from the output of MISS
Plots of Posterior Predictive Checks
Plot samples from the output of PMC
Plots of Posterior Predictive Checks
Plot the output of VariationalBayes
Plot a Numerical Matrix
Plot Samples
PMC RAM Estimate
Population Monte Carlo
Posterior Checks
Posterior Predictive Checks
Posterior Predictive Checks
Posterior Predictive Checks
Posterior Predictive Checks
Posterior Predictive Checks
Print an object of class demonoid
to the screen.
Print an object of class heidelberger
to the screen.
Print an object of class iterquad
to the screen.
Print an object of class laplace
to the screen.
Print an object of class miss
to the screen.
Print an object of class pmc
to the screen.
Print an object of class raftery
to the screen.
Print an object of class vb
to the screen.
Raftery and Lewis's diagnostic
Rejection Sampling
Sensitivity Analysis
Sampling Importance Resampling
Truncated Stick-Breaking
Posterior Predictive Check Summary
Posterior Predictive Check Summary
Posterior Predictive Check Summary
MISS Summary
Posterior Predictive Check Summary
Posterior Predictive Check Summary
Holdout Validation
Variational Bayes
Widely Applicable Information Criterion
Provides a complete environment for Bayesian inference using a variety of different samplers (see ?LaplacesDemon for an overview).
Useful links