Meta-Analysis with Mean Differences
Aggregate Dependent Effect Sizes
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
ANCOVA F-statistic to d
ANCOVA F-statistic to d II
Correction for Attenuation
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal MAc objects
Internal MAc objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal MAc objects
Internal MAc objects
Internal MAc objects
Internal MAc objects
Computes Vector of Standardized Mean Differences
Computes Vector of Standardized Mean Differences
Converts Vector of Standardized Mean Differences
Internal anRpackage objects
Standardized Mean Difference (d) Statistic to Unbiased Standardized Me...
Data from Table 15.3 in The Handbook for Research Synthesis and Meta-A...
Data from Table A2 in The Handbook for Research Synthesis and Meta-Ana...
Subset of simulated data to demonstrate aggregation for dependent effe...
Subset of simulated psychotherapy treatment studies (k=8) with depende...
Final aggregated dataset of simulated psychotherapy treatment studies ...
Subset of simulated psychotherapy treatment studies (k=8) with means a...
Simulated psychotherapy treatment studies for 'outcome one'
Simulated psychotherapy treatment studies for 'outcome two'
ANCOVA F-statistic to Standardized Mean Difference (d)
F-test to Standardized Mean Difference (d)
Internal MAd objects
Failure groups to Standardized Mean Difference (d)
Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for oneway and twoway models
Inter-Rater Agreement
Log Odds Ratio to Standardized Mean Difference (d)
Categorical Moderator Analysis
Direct Categorical Moderator Comparison
Meta-Analysis with Mean Differences
Internal anRpackage objects
Means to Standardized Mean Difference
Means with Pooled SD to Standardized Mean Difference
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Omnibus Effect Size (Fixed and Random Effects)
Odds Ratio to Standardized Mean Difference (d)
One-tailed p-value from ANCOVA to Standardized Mean Difference (d)
Two-tailed p-value from ANCOVA to Standardized Mean Difference (d)
One-tailed p-value to Standardized Mean Difference (d)
Two-tailed p-value to Standardized Mean Difference (d)
Internal MAc objects
Categorical Moderator Graph
Meta Regression Scatterplot
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal anRpackage objects
Assess for Publication Bias
Chi-Squared to Correlation
Correlation from Mean Difference
Correlation from Mean Difference II
Correlation from t-test
Correlation (r) to Standardized Mean Difference (d)
Internal anRpackage objects
Robust standard error
Internal anRpackage objects
t-test Value to Standardized Mean Difference (d)
t-test Value from ANCOVA to Standardized Mean Difference (d)
Weights added to Meta Data
Internal anRpackage objects
Internal objects
A collection of functions for conducting a meta-analysis with mean differences data. It uses recommended procedures as described in The Handbook of Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis (Cooper, Hedges, & Valentine, 2009).