Multivariate Distance Matrix Regression
Compute univariate MDMR effect sizes
Compute Gower's centered similarity matrix from a distance matrix
Multivariate Distance Matrix Regression
Conduct MDMR with analytic p-values
Fit Mixed-MDMR models
Print MDMR Object
Print Mixed MDMR Object
Summarizing MDMR Results
Summarizing Mixed MDMR Results
Simulated clustered predictor data to illustrate the Mixed-MDMR functi...
Simulated predictor data to illustrate the MDMR package.
Simulated clustered outcome data to illustrate the Mixed-MDMR function
Simulated outcome data to illustrate the MDMR package.
Allows users to conduct multivariate distance matrix regression using analytic p-values and compute measures of effect size. For details on the method, see McArtor, Lubke, & Bergeman (2017) <doi:10.1007/s11336-016-9527-8>.