Download a MODIS Land Products Subset product for a given point location buffered with a given amount of kilometers left-right, top-bottom for a given location (provided as latitude and longitude values).
band: band or bands (as a character vector) to download
lat: latitude in decimal degrees
lon: longitude in decimal degrees
start: start date
end: end date
km_lr: km left-right to sample (rounded to the nearest integer)
km_ab: km above-below to sample (rounded to the nearest integer)
site_id: site id (overides lat / lon)
network: the network for which to generate the site list, when not provided the complete list is provided
site_name: arbitrary site name used in writing data to file (default = sitename)
out_dir: path where to store the data if writing to disk (default = tempdir())
internal: should the data be returned as an internal data structure TRUE or FALSE (default = TRUE)
progress: show download progress
A data frame combining meta-data and actual data values.
# list all available MODIS Land Products Subsets products# download datasubset <- mt_subset(product ="MOD11A2", lat =40, lon =-110, band ="LST_Day_1km", start ="2004-01-01", end ="2004-03-31", progress =FALSE) head(subset)