Data Sets from Montgomery, Peck and Vining
PRESS statistic
Confidence Intervals for Bias Corrected Local Regression
Bias for Bias-Corrected Local Polynomial Regression
Local Polynomial Bias and Variability
Graphical ANOVA Plot
Graphical F Plot for Significance in Regression
Graphical Regression Plot
Local Polynomial Bias
QQ Plot for Analysis of Variance
Quadratic Overlay
Analysis of Variance Plot for Regression
Pseudorandom Number Testing via Random Forest
Graphical t Test for Regression
Plot of Multipliers in Regression ANOVA Plot
Most of this package consists of data sets from the textbook Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, by Montgomery, Peck and Vining. All data sets from the 3rd edition are included and many from the 6th edition are also included. The package also contains some additional data sets and functions.