Wrapper Functions for MAESTRA/MAESPA
Functions for MAESPA batch runs
Checks MAESPA water balance by adding up fluxes for the soil water bal...
Bundle of functions for modifying MAESTRA/MAESPA input files, and read...
Example Maeswrap definition file
Parse an input file
Plot the stand in 3D
Plot the understorey PAR points
Generate a simple random stand of trees
Reads the dayflx.dat output file
Reads the hrflux.dat MAESTRA/MAESPA output file
Reads the met.dat input file
Read a namelist into a list
Reads the watbal.dat MAESPA output file
Replace a weather variable
Replaces a namelist or a parameter
Reverse a character string.
Example Maeswrap run datafile.
A bundle of functions for modifying MAESTRA/MAESPA input files,reading output files, and visualizing the stand in 3D. Handy for running sensitivity analyses, scenario analyses, etc.