frames function

Average Marginal Effects

Average Marginal Effects

Provides the average marginal effects of a GLM model with bootstrapped confidence intervals. Similar results would be obtained from using margins::margins().

frames(model, ci_type = "perc", boot = 100, ci = 0.95)


  • model: the model object
  • ci_type: the type of boostrapped confidence interval; options are "perc", "basic", "bca"
  • boot: the number of bootstrapped samples; default is 100
  • ci: the confidence interval; the default is .975 which is the 95% confidence interval.


Using the average marginal effects as discussed by Tamas Bartus (2005), the coefficients are transformed into probabilities (for binary outcomes) or remain in their original units (continuous outcomes).


library(furniture) data(nhanes_2010) fit = glm(marijuana ~ home_meals + gender + age + asthma, data = nhanes_2010, family = "binomial") frames(fit)


Bartus, T. (2005). Estimation of marginal effects using margeff. The Stata Journal, 5(3), 309–329.


Tyson S. Barrett

  • Maintainer: Tyson S Barrett
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2022-04-15

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