Probabilistic Latent Variable Models for Metabolomic Data
Assess convergence of an EM algorithm.
First E step of the AECM algorithm when fitting a mixture of PPCA mode...
Second E step of the AECM algorithm when fitting a mixture of PPCA mod...
Function to plot a heatmap of BIC values.
Plot loadings and their associated confidence intervals.
Plot loadings.
Probabilistic latent variable models for metabolomic data.
Plot loadings resulting from fitting a MPPCA model.
Fit a mixture of probabilistic principal components analysis (MPPCA) m...
Plot scores from a fitted MPPCA model
First M-step of the AECM algorithm when fitting a mixture of PPCA mode...
Second M-step of the AECM algorithm when fitting a mixture of PPCA mod...
Fit a probabilistic principal components analysis model to a metabolom...
Fit a probabilistic principal components analysis (PPCA) model to a me...
Plot scores from a fitted PPCA model
Fit a probabilistic principal components and covariates analysis model...
Fit a probabilistic principal components and covariates analysis (PPCC...
Plot scores from a fitted PPCCA model.
Function to scale metabolomic spectral data.
Function to scale covariates.
Fits probabilistic principal components analysis, probabilistic principal components and covariates analysis and mixtures of probabilistic principal components models to metabolomic spectral data.