atlas: object of class atlas created by createAtlas.
pt.size: size of plotted points/spheres. If point="s". pt.size defines the radius of the spheres. If point="p" it sets the variable size used in point3d.
alpha: value between 0 and 1. Sets transparency of mesh 1=opaque 0= fully transparent.
render: if render="w", a wireframe will be drawn, if render="s", the mesh will be shaded.
point: how to render landmarks. "s"=spheres, "p"=points.
meshcol: color to render the atlas mesh
add: logical: if TRUE, a new rgl window is opened.
legend: logical: request plot of legend specifying landmark coloring.
cols: vector containing colors for each coordinate type cols[1]=landmarks, cols[2]=patch, cols[3]=corrCurves, cols[4]=patchCurves.
returns invisible vector containing of rendered objects.
If legend=TRUE, a plot with a legend will open where coloring of the 3D-spheres is specified.