Estimation and Projection of Age-Specific Mortality Rates
Coherent Kannisto Estimation
Coherent Kannisto Method
Kannisto Estimation
Kannisto Prediction
Kannisto Method
Lee-Carter Estimation
Life Table Function
Coherent Lee-Carter Estimation
Log-Quadratic Mortality Model
Model Life Tables Mortality Patterns
MortCast: Estimation and Projection of Age-Specific Mortality Rates
Mortality Prediction by Method Blending
Coherent Rotated Lee-Carter Prediction
Pattern of Mortality Decline Prediction
Rotated Lee-Carter
Age-specific mortality rates are estimated and projected using the Kannisto, Lee-Carter and related methods as described in Sevcikova et al. (2016) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-26603-9_15>.