Detecting Outliers in Network Meta-Analysis
Forward plot(s) to monitor selected statistic(s)/method(s)
Forward plots of summary treatment estimates
Plot(s) to monitor selected outlier and influential measure(s).
Residuals and log-likelihood contributions in multi-arm trials
Network meta-analysis for a set of studies
Network meta-analysis for the whole dataset.
NMAoutlier: Brief overview of measures and methodologies for detection...
Outlier and influential detection measures in network meta-analysis.
Forward Search algorithm in network meta-analysis
Helper function to create the plots of summary estimates and their int...
Helper function to create the plots for FS algorithm.
Q-Q plot for network meta-analysis (Q-Q netplot).
Statistical measure in multi-arm studies
A set of functions providing several outlier (i.e., studies with extreme findings) and influential detection measures and methodologies in network meta-analysis : - simple outlier and influential detection measures - outlier and influential detection measures by considering study deletion (shift the mean) - plots for outlier and influential detection measures - Q-Q plot for network meta-analysis - Forward Search algorithm in network meta-analysis. - forward plots to monitor statistics in each step of the forward search algorithm - forward plots for summary estimates and their confidence intervals in each step of forward search algorithm.