StoSOO function

StoSOO and SOO algorithms

StoSOO and SOO algorithms

Global optimization of a blackbox function given a finite budget of noisy evaluations, via the Stochastic-Simultaneous Optimistic Optimisation algorithm. The deterministic-SOO method is available for noiseless observations. The knowledge of the function's smoothness is not required.

StoSOO( par, fn, ..., lower = rep(0, length(par)), upper = rep(1, length(par)), nb_iter, control = list(verbose = 0, type = "sto", max = FALSE, light = TRUE) )


  • par: vector with length defining the dimensionality of the optimization problem. Providing actual values of par is not necessary (NAs are just fine). Included primarily for compatibility with optim.

  • fn: scalar function to be minimized, with first argument to be optimized over.

  • ...: optional additional arguments to fn.

  • lower, upper: vectors of bounds on the variables.

  • nb_iter: number of function evaluations allocated to optimization.

  • control: list of control parameters:

    • verbose: verbosity level, either 0 (default), 1 or greater than 1,
    • type: either 'det' for optimizing a deterministic function or 'sto' for a stochastic one,
    • k_max: maximum number of evaluations per leaf (default: from analysis),
    • h_max: maximum depth of the tree (default: from analysis),
    • delta: confidence (default: 1/sqrt(nb_iter) - from analysis),
    • light: set to FALSE to return the search tree,
    • max: if TRUE, performs maximization.


list with components:

  • par best set of parameters (for a stochastic function, it corresponds to the minimum reached over the deepest unexpanded node),
  • value value of fn at par,
  • tree search tree built during the execution, not returned unless control$light == TRUE.


The optional tree element returned is a list, whose first element is the root node and the last element the deepest nodes. A each level, x provides the center(s), one per row, whose corresponding bounds are given by x_min and x_max. Then:

  • leaf indicates if x is a leaf (1 if TRUE);
  • new indicates if x has been sampled last;
  • sums gives the sum of values at x;
  • bs is for the upper bounds at x;
  • ks is the number of evaluations at x;
  • values stores the values evaluated as they come (mostly useful in the deterministic case)


#------------------------------------------------------------ # Example 1 : Deterministic optimization with SOO #------------------------------------------------------------ ## Define objective fun1 <- function(x) return(-guirland(x)) ## Optimization Sol1 <- StoSOO(par = NA, fn = fun1, nb_iter = 1000, control = list(type = "det", verbose = 1)) ## Display objective function and solution found curve(fun1, n = 1001) abline(v = Sol1$par, col = 'red') #------------------------------------------------------------ # Example 2 : Stochastic optimization with StoSOO #------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(42) ## Same objective function with uniform noise fun2 <- function(x){return(fun1(x) + runif(1, min = -0.1, max = 0.1))} ## Optimization Sol2 <- StoSOO(par = NA, fn = fun2, nb_iter = 1000, control = list(type = "sto", verbose = 1)) ## Display solution abline(v = Sol2$par, col = 'blue') #------------------------------------------------------------ # Example 3 : Stochastic optimization with StoSOO, 2-dimensional function #------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(42) ## 2-dimensional noisy objective function, defined on [0, pi/4]^2 fun3 <- function(x){return(-sin1(x[1]) * sin1(1 - x[2]) + runif(1, min = -0.05, max = 0.05))} ## Optimizing Sol3 <- StoSOO(par = rep(NA, 2), fn = fun3, upper = rep(pi/4, 2), nb_iter = 1000) ## Display solution xgrid <- seq(0, pi/4, length.out = 101) Xgrid <- expand.grid(xgrid, xgrid) ref <- apply(Xgrid, 1, function(x){(-sin1(x[1]) * sin1(1 - x[2]))}) filled.contour(xgrid, xgrid, matrix(ref, 101), color.palette = terrain.colors, plot.axes = {axis(1); axis(2); points(Xgrid[which.min(ref),, drop = FALSE], pch = 21); points(Sol3$par[1],Sol3$par[2], pch = 13)}) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Example 4 : Deterministic optimization with StoSOO, 2-dimensional function with plots #------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(42) ## 2-dimensional noiseless objective function, defined on [0, pi/4]^2 fun4 <- function(x){return(-sin1(x[1]) * sin1(1 - x[2]))} ## Optimizing Sol4 <- StoSOO(par = rep(NA, 2), fn = fun4, upper = rep(pi/4, 2), nb_iter = 1000, control = list(type = 'det', light = FALSE)) ## Display solution xgrid <- seq(0, pi/4, length.out = 101) Xgrid <- expand.grid(xgrid, xgrid) ref <- apply(Xgrid, 1, function(x){(-sin1(x[1]) * sin1(1 - x[2]))}) filled.contour(xgrid, xgrid, matrix(ref, 101), color.palette = terrain.colors, plot.axes = {axis(1); axis(2); plotStoSOO(Sol4, add = TRUE, upper = rep(pi/4, 2)); points(Xgrid[which.min(ref),, drop = FALSE], pch = 21); points(Sol4$par[1], Sol4$par[2], pch = 13, col = 2)})


R. Munos (2011), Optimistic optimization of deterministic functions without the knowledge of its smoothness, NIPS, 783-791.

M. Valko, A. Carpentier and R. Munos (2013), Stochastic Simultaneous Optimistic Optimization, ICML, 19-27 Matlab code:

P. Preux, R. Munos, M. Valko (2014), Bandits attack function optimization, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2245-2252.


M. Binois (translation in R code), M. Valko, A. Carpentier, R. Munos (Matlab code)

  • Maintainer: M. Binois
  • License: LGPL
  • Last published: 2023-08-23