Draws Overview of Outliers (O3) Plots
Set colours for O3 plots
Draws an Overview of Outliers (O3) plot for more than one method and p...
Draws an Overview of Outliers (O3) plot for one method and parallel co...
Identify outliers for different combinations of variables
OutliersO3: displays and compares potential outliers
Potential outliers are identified for all combinations of a dataset's variables. O3 plots are described in Unwin(2019) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2019.1575226>. The available methods are HDoutliers() from the package 'HDoutliers', FastPCS() from the package 'FastPCS', mvBACON() from 'robustX', adjOutlyingness() from 'robustbase', DectectDeviatingCells() from 'cellWise', covMcd() from 'robustbase'.