Pakistan Population Census 2023
Pakistan data from Pakistan Population Census 2023
District data from Pakistan Population Census 2023
Divisional data from Pakistan Population Census 2023
Area, population by sex, sex ratio, population density, urban proportion, household size and annual growth rate
Urban localities by population size and their population by sex, annual growth rate and household size
Number of rural localities by population size and their population by sex
Population by single year age, sex and rural/urban
Population by selected age group, sex and rural/urban
Population (15 years and above) by age group, sex, marital status and rural/urban
Population (15 years and above) by relationship to the head of household, sex, marital status and rural/urban
Population by sex, age group, relationship to the head of household and rural/urban
Population by sex, religion and rural/urban
Population by nationality, age group, sex and rural/urban
Population by mother tongue, sex and rural/urban
Literacy rate, enrolments, and out-of-school population by sex and rural/urban
Population and literacy rate for special age groups by rural/urban and sex
Population and literacy rate for special age groups by rural/urban and sex
Disability and functional limitation by region and gender
Disability and functional limitation for special age group by rural/urban
Type of housing unit by region
Types of households by population and sex, rural/urban
Housing characteristics, facilities used for fuel, lighting and kitchen by region
Housing facilities by sources of drinking water by region
Housing characteristics by housing structure, type of toilet and washroom by region
Housing characteristics by residential status, ownership and number of rooms by region
Total number of structure by types and rural/urban
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