This function preprocesses accelerometry data by removing days based on a total activity count (default: less than 5000) or total time with activity (default: less than 10 minutes). Additionally, the function has an option to zeropad truncated days such that that days that do not have a whole day of 1440 minutes of data spanning from 00:00 to 23:59 (default: TRUE).
df: A dataframe. The source accelerometry dataset, in dataframe format.
minLow: Numeric. The minimum total counts of movement for a day to not be removed.
minTime: Numeric. The minimum number of minutes of activity for a day to not be removed.
zeropad: Boolean value for truncated days to be zeropadded.
...: not used at this time
The dataframe is returned with days fulfilling the dropping criteria removed and truncated days zeropadded. A new column indicating which day is added to the dataframe.
Function works for dataframes from one or multiple unique trials.
The input dataframe should have the following columns: TimeStamp , axis1 , axis2 , axis3 , vm , where vm is the vector magnitude of axes 1, 2, and 3. Dataframe should also be formatted to 60 second epoch.