dataset: The source dataset, in dataframe format, which needs to be marked.
frame: The size of time interval to be considered.
cts: The name of the counts column. The default is "axis1".
streamFrame: The size of time interval that the program will look back or forward if activity is detected. The default is the half of frame.
allowanceFrame: The size of time interval that zero counts allowed. The default is 2.
newcolname: The wearing marking column name. The default is "wearing". After the data is processed, a new field will be added to the original dataframe. This new field is the wearing /nowwearing indicator.
A dataframe with an extra wearing/non-wearing marking column.
Choi L, Liu Z, Matthews CE, Buchowski MS. Validation of accelerometer wear and nonwear time classification algorithm. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 Feb;43(2):357-64.