queryActigraph function

Query ActiGraph File

Query ActiGraph File

This function executes a SELECT query on an ActiGraph AGD file.

queryActigraph(datfile, qry)


  • datfile: An AGD file.
  • qry: An SQL SELECT statement.


A data frame with query results.


AGD files are actually SQLite databases. This function requires the RSQLite package. The user is encouraged to directly interface with the database by creating a connection with the DBI package. This has been tested with AGD files produced with ActiLife v6.11.


## Not run: dat <- queryActigraph("actfile.agd", "SELECT * FROM data LIMIT 5") queryActigraph("actfile.agd", "SELECT * FROM settings") ## directly interface using DBI package con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "actfile.agd") DBI::dbListTables(con) DBI::dbDisconnect(con) ## End(Not run)

See Also



Cole Beck cole.beck@vumc.org

  • Maintainer: Leena Choi
  • License: GPL (>= 3)
  • Last published: 2021-01-22

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