This function summarizes the classified wear (nonwear) time by interval basis from the epoch-by-epoch classified wear (nonwear) status classified by wearingMarking.
sumVct( datavct, wearing ="wearing", TS = getOption("pa.timeStamp"), markingString ="w", by ="days", id =NULL)
datavct: Data with classified wear (nonwear) status classified by wearingMarking.
wearing: The column name for classified wear and nonwear status. The default is "wearing".
TS: The column name for timestamp. The default is "TimeStamp".
markingString: Option for summarizing wear (markingString="w") or nonwear time interval (markingString="nw").
by: A sequence of days for classified wear (nonwear) time intervals.
id: Optional output for subject identification or file name.
The summary data for wear and nonwear time intervals.
Choi L, Liu Z, Matthews CE, Buchowski MS. Validation of accelerometer wear and nonwear time classification algorithm. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 Feb;43(2):357-64.