
Grades Setting and Exam Maker

Grades Setting and Exam Maker

Programs to determine student grades and create examinations from Question banks. Programs will create numerous multiple choice exams, randomly shuffled, for different versions of same question list. package


Jonathan M. Lees

Maintainer: Jonathan M.


################ making tests: ## Not run: data(QBANK1) make.exam(QBANK1, ofile="exam1.tex") ## End(Not run) ################# setting grades: g = rnorm(n=130, m=82, sd=10) g[g>100] = 100 g[g<1] = 1 B = boxplot(g) divs = c(min(g), B$stats[1:4] + diff(B$stats)/2, max(g) ) D1 = do.grades(g, divs=divs, tit="GEOL 105 Exam 1")
  • Maintainer: Jonathan M. Lees
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2023-08-21

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